Annual Membership Meeting
Present: Approximately 20 members including 6 board members, including Brett Pharo, Bryce Freking, Chris Kaeb, Kathy Ewert, Mark VanRoekel, Jeremy Refshaw.
Brett called the meeting to order
Chris Kaeb gave a Treasurer’s Report
- The Association is in good financial shape
- We have a net worth of $22,376.95
- We had a year to date increase in the net worth of $949.25
Brett Pharo announced the election results
- Chris Kaeb and Jeremy Refshaw were reelected
- Mark Meurer’s term ended and is leaving the board
Comments from Brett Pharo, board president:
- Membership is highest in years. We currently have around 100 members
- We had about 1600 registrations in 2017, which was also the highest in years.
- We are in our third year of the Let’s Grow grant. Everyone is encouraged to submit fecal samples. The first 100 samples per producer are free.
- Brett Pharo is going to Dubois, Idaho on August 19th to the Sheep Experimental Station. They want our breed’s input on several topics including creating new polypay lines to regain hybrid vigor, wool, optimizing weaning rates in range sheep, and working to get their records on NSIP. Let Brett know any other topics you would like him to discuss while he is there. The board also is planning a conference call with the Sheep Experimental Station research leader, Dr. Bret Taylor at some point.
Bryce Freking updated the members on the potential corporate move to Minnesota
- A lawyer is working out the details.
Glenn Jones expressed his thanks to the board for the APSA’s contribution to the meal for members and sale consigners and for the financial success of the APSA. He also inquired if other members had trouble with registrations coming back slow.
Meeting was adjourned.
Board meeting held after the Annual Membership Meeting
Present: Brett Pharo, Bryce Freking, Chris Kaeb, Kathy Ewert, Mark VanRoekel, Jeremy Refshaw were in attendance. John Anderson was absent.
Officers were nominated and then elected:
- President: Brett Pharo
- Vice President: Bryce Freking
- Treasurer: Chris Kaeb
- Secretary: John Anderson
Committees were assigned:
- Advertising: Bryce Freking, Mark VanRoekel, John Anderson
- Sale: Jeremy Refshaw, Bryce Freking, Kathy Ewert, Chris Kaeb
Board discussed the need to start thinking about where to have next year’s annual meeting and dinner.
Meeting adjourned.