Present by phone: Brett Pharo, Jeremy Refshaw, Bryce Freking, Mark Van Roekel, Chris Kaeb, John Anderson
Absent: Kathy Ewert
Brett called the meeting to order.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved 6-0.
- Chris reported that there was $26,700 dollars in the account. Chris Schauer is waiting for the final grant payment of $1297.00 for the Parasite Grant.
- A discussion was held on selecting a Registered Agent to provide a CO address for the corporation as required by law. This will be a move from using Bill Hardman’s home address. Incorporated was the least expensive option. A motion was made to use Incorp for this service. Motion passed 6-0.
- The 2019 Annual Meeting will be held in Spencer Iowa in conjunction with the NSIP sale at the Clay County Fairgrounds on July 27
- Mark mentioned that the meal at Spencer would be at 6:00 p.m. It was decided to hold the Annual Meeting at 8:00
- The new Board of Directors meeting will be held after the Annual Meeting
- The meeting will have a conference call option for any board member not able to make it to Spencer
- John motioned to reimburse Brett $599.00 for writing the APSA newsletter, Mark seconded. The motion passed 6-0.
- There was a discussion on advertising.
- An advertisement will be put in the Banner to promote the Polypay show and sale at Sedalia.
- Bryce suggested we put a bigger ad in the Shepherd
- The board agreed to check on advertising in state association newsletters.
- Brett said talks are ongoing with USSES to encourage them to register their Polypay sheep.
- The United Suffolk Sheep Association had asked if APSA would be interested in partnering with them on a program with Digital Beef that would make it easier for producers to enter data into a database online. The program could be costly. The board agreed to not pursue this partnership for now.
Respectfully submitted
John Anderson