Present via Zoom: Mark Meurer, Mark Van Roekel, Kathy Ewert, John Anderson, Bryce Freking, Brett Pharo (past president)
Absent: Chris Kaeb, Jeremy Refshaw
Mark Meurer called the meeting to order.
Secretary’s Report
Minutes from the previous meeting on August 12 were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
There was no treasurer’s report since Chris was combining beans.
Committee Reports:
- Sales - There was a discussion of the location of the 2021 APSA National Meeting. Bryce moved to hold the Annual Meeting in Spencer Iowa in conjunction with the Center of the Nation Sale. Kathy seconded. The motion was approved 5-0. The Annual Meeting will be available on line for those who can’t make it to the meeting in Spencer. There will probably be several options in 2021 for on-line sales as well.
- Advertising Committee Report
- Bryce mentioned most advertising starts in May. We are looking for short articles from producers on how PP are helping their bottom line.
- Mark Van Roekel motioned that we support ASI financially at the same level as we did in 2019. John seconded. The motioned passed 5-0.
- Youth Committee Report - The committee is working on a futurity project that youth could apply for in the spring of 2021 to obtain ewes in the fall of 2021.
- Newsletter - The newsletter is going to print the last week of October.
Old Business
No additional old business
New Business
Kathy has been looking into genomic testing and how we might use this tool to improve the breed. In order to be truly helpful, there would need to be a substantial breed specific project. Polypay producers would need to determine the traits we would like to find markers for like growth, health, fertility, parasite resistance etc.
John made a motion to have Kathy continue to investigate how we might implement genomic testing in the Polypay breed. Mark seconded and the motion passed 5-0.
Due to a producer inquiry there was a short discussion on using registered PP rams to breed non registered commercial PP ewes up to F-4 status so they could be registered. Currently the APSA by-laws do not allow this.
Mark Van Roekel moved to adjourn the meeting. Kathy seconded, the motion passed 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
John Anderson, Secretary