Secretary’s Report
Correction to Neimiah Stokes first name.
Treasurer’s Report
$36,700 in account, annual meeting expenses were only expenses, annual ad expenses are expected
Committee Reports
Sale - National Sale rules will be in next newsletter “early fall” newsletter
Advertising - Shepherd Mag. Ad annual renewal
Genomics - No new information
Youth - Holding until Starter flock time for 2023
Dozer/rhino lamb - No new information
New Business
- Committee appointments-
- Sales-Mark Van Roekel, Zack Meinders, Nicole Jessen
- Advertising- Mark Meurer, Matt Chadwick
- Youth- Jeremy Refshaw, Kayla Inbody, Nichole Jessen
- Starter Flock- More advertising for 2023, Banner, Facebook.
- Annual Meeting 2023- Spencer, IA- Center of the Nation Sale- Vote called for by Pres. Meurer and accepted unanimously.